Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crafty Wednesday

For whatever reason, I had a much-appreciated surge of energy today, and what better way to harness that energy than to get crafty!! I am notorious for really great ideas, grand ambition, and no follow through. I like to think of myself as a professional starter. I'm not proud to admit that probably each room in my house is a testament to this. Poor Piper had one curtain out of four hanging for months on end. Two weeks ago, they finally met their matches. (I started to feel bad that her new baby sister was going to have a completely finished room and she still didn't have curtains.) Sorry, Pip! Thanks for hanging in there! Unfortunately, the boys still have a half-painted treasure map and palm tree in their pirate bedroom. I guess I better finish it before pirates aren't cool anymore. I could go on and on, but what purpose would that serve. When I was in the final stretch of my pregnancy with Finley, our house slowly came into tip-top shape. All I have to say is thank God for nesting instincts. 
Today, I managed to finish painting some letters for the kids bathroom upstairs, get the last coat of paint on the changing table and bookshelf I've been working on for the nursery, make a glass block nightlight for Piper's room and still had time for tons of "nuudle art" with the little kids. These nuudles have got to be the best kids craft item since Play-Dough. They are little biodegradable noodles made out of cornstarch (think cousin of the packing peanut.) You just dab the ends of them on a damp sponge and can stick them together to make anything under the sun. I picked some up at Hobby Lobby last night, you can get a huge box for about $5. So, of course by 9 am, Carter had asked about 38 times when we could play with the noodles. The best part about these things is that they make virtually no mess, the creations you can make are only limited by your imagination, and they're easy enough to use that even a two year old has fun with them. Of course, like with Play-Dough, after 40 minutes both kids had checked out on craft time and I was still building our dream house complete with flower garden and apple tree. But Finley really enjoyed her necklace and bracelet, twirling around asking Carter, "Isn't I'm pretty, Carter?" Yes indeed! Here's hoping that this streak of energy continues, Lord knows I've got plenty of starts that could use some finishing touches.  

1 comment:

  1. You would never guess, Ruby, but we actually have something in common. Glad you are nesting, we having lots of painting and home improvements to perform here is Iowa!!


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